LL&A Magazine has been publishing since 1966 to serve the travel, business & fashion accessory markets. The purpose of the magazine is for wholesalers to communicate with retailers about their newest products. It is also the magazine’s mandate to raise awareness of important issues affecting the markets we serve and lastly, to ensure retailers receive timely information on critical retail issues to assist in their growth and well-being of their business.
Event organizers of the LL&A Buyer’s Forums, Wingold/Tycos Fashion Week and the (LLHA Show) Luggage, Leathergoods, Handbags & Accessories Association.
Circulation: 7,000
Frequency: 3 issues per year
Websites: www.llanda.com
Media Diversified Inc.
96 Karma Road, Markham, ON L3R 4Y3
Sales and editorial contact:
Tammy Mang
Tel: 905-944-0265
Fax: 416-296-0994
E-mail: tammy@mediadiversifed.com