Canadian Consulting Engineer is for civil, structural, mechanical and electrical professional engineers who act as consultants on construction projects. They are engineers who design buildings, transportation and water infrastructure, environmental and industrial projects. The magazine keeps them informed about innovative engineering approaches, products and technologies, as well as covering issues that affect their businesses or their profession.
The magazine has been publishing bi-monthly for over 50 years and is distributed to
13,000+ readers across Canada.
Circulation: 9,500
Frequency: 7 issues per year
Website: www.CanadianConsultingEngineer.com
Annex Business Media
80 Valleybrook Dr., Toronto, ON M3B 2S9
Editorial Contact
Bronwen Parsons
Tel: 416-510-5119
Fax: 416-510-5134
E-mail: bparsons@ccemag.com